Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Medium is the Message is the Medium

The Medium is the Message is the Medium.
I rarely struggle to wrap my head around a concept or idea, I usually get the idea right away. My trouble is usually applying the idea correctly.

However, today I have had to re-read the information given several times, and I still don't think I have it right. The Medium is how the Message is delivered, and how the Message is delivered is the Medium. This part seems pretty straightforward, but I know there is something else beyond it that I just can't get to. So for now I'll stick with what I've got, and hopefully I'll have an epiphany as I write.

The Medium as the delivery of the Message. I really like how Prof. Young mentioned that the Medium is not only the format, but the interpretation of information as well. After all, the Message (ex. a photo) would need to to be seen, evaluated, and presented in a Medium that best promotes the Message that the interpreter gleaned from the image.
Prof. Young mentioned the Daily Show. I am also a fan and I love how Jon Stewart helps to bring context through opposing views of political America with humor.
In my view, this is the truest form of MitMitM. We need media to give us information, and we need to ensure that the message the media presents us with isn't stilted too far one way or another for other's agendas. The Daily Show gives us that counterpoint and while his frustration at modern media outlets (especially conservative Fox) is quite evident, instead of fear and hate, he gives laughter. That's the best Medium.

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